School Psychologist Certificate

A person employed as a school psychologist in a Michigan school is required to hold a valid Michigan School Psychologist Certificate or a Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate.

An application for a School Psychologist Certificate or Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate is created through the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS).

Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate

(R 380.204 & 380.205) Valid for 3 years and available to individuals who meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete a graduate degree in an approved school psychology certification program (no less than 45 semester credit hours); and
  2. Complete a 600 clock-hour, supervised practicum in school psychology; and
  3. Possess a valid out-of-state school psychologist certificate or license if the school psychologist program was completed in another state.

Preliminary School Psychologist Renewal

(R 380.204 & 380.205) A one-time, 3-year renewal may be granted upon application and verification of one of the following:

School Psychologist Certificate

(R 380.206) Valid for 5 years and available to individuals who meet the following requirements:

  1. Possess a current or expired Preliminary School Psychologist Certificate; and
  2. Complete a state-approved specialist-level degree or the equivalent (no less than 60 semester credit hours) in school psychology with a 1200 clock-hour internship from an Educator Preparation Institution (EPI).

An out-of-state applicant may qualify for a School Psychologist Certificate (R 380.206), valid for 5 years, as an initial certificate if the individual meets the following requirements:

  1. Complete a specialist-level degree or the equivalent (no less than 60 semester credit hours) in school psychology with a 1200 clock-hour internship from an out-of-state Educator Preparation Institution; and
  2. Possess a valid Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential issued by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), or a valid, standard school psychologist certificate from the state where the program was completed.

School Psychologist Renewal

(R 380.206) Valid for 5 years and renewable using one of the following options:

Option A: One of the Education-Related Professional Learning options listed below, completed since the issue date of the most recent school psychologist certificate or renewal and logged into MOECS.

Option B: A valid Michigan Professional Teaching Certificate.

Option C: A valid Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential.

Option D: A valid out-of-state school psychologist certificate. Option D is for a one-time renewal only.