This page will support you in satisfying Writing Learning Outcome:
CONCLUSION - Provide an effective conclusion that summarizes the laboratory's purpose, processes, and key findings, and makes appropriate recommendations.
Learning Objectives
You should be able to
- Identify technical audience expectations for engineering lab report conclusions.
- Describe what makes a conclusion meaningful, especially to a technical audience.
- Relate the idea of audience expectations to prior writing instruction.
- Write meaningful conclusions for an engineering lab report.
- Summarize the important contents of the laboratory report clearly, succinctly, and with sufficient specificity.
- Support conclusions with the evidence presented earlier in the lab report.
What is a Meaningful Conclusion in an Engineering Lab Report?
A conclusion is meaningful if it includes a summary of the work (i.e., objective and process) as well as the key findings (i.e., the results of the work and their implications) of the lab work.
The technical audience expects the following features to make the conclusion meaningful.
- Restate the objective briefly.
- Restate the lab process briefly.
- Restate the important results of the lab work briefly, including any significant errors.
- Restate the important findings briefly to meet the objective.
- Provide brief recommendations for future actions or laboratories.
What Are Some Common Mistakes Seen in Poorly Written Engineering Lab Reports?
- No conclusion is included in the report.
- The conclusion is missing an important part (i.e., lab o bjective and key results) of the lab.
- New data or new discussion is included that was not written in the report body.
- Concluding statements do not address the stated objectives of the report.
- The conclusion includes opinions only rather than the facts supported by other sections of the report.
- Statements are overly general without containing any meaningful takeaways.
- Statements are overly specific with the detailed descriptions which are supposed to be in the body.
Sample Conclusions
Why Does the Technical Audience Value Meaningful Conclusions From Engineering Lab Reports?
The technical audience reads the lab report conclusions carefully to take away the writer’s most important information. If the conclusion is well written, they may not need to read any other part of the report or know that they want to read the rest of the report to understand important details.
How Can we Use Engineering Judgment When Drawing Lab Report Conclusions?
In the context of engineering lab reports, engineering judgment can be defined as an application of evidence (i.e., lab data) and engineering principles (i.e., theory) to make decisions. The technical audience can trust the conclusions only when they are based on accurate data. The writer should use appropriate engineering principles when investigating and discussing lab data.
Common Mistakes
- No conclusion is included in the report.
- The conclusion is missing an important part (i.e., key results) of the lab.
- New data or new discussion is included that was not written in the report body.
- Concluding statements do not address the stated objectives of the report.
- The conclusion includes opinions only rather than the facts supported by other sections of the report.
- Statements are overly general without containing any meaningful takeaways.
- Statements are overly specific with the detailed descriptions which are supposed to be in the body.