Please select a foundation

Please select a foundation from the dropdown menu to continue.

Overview Impact FAQ

Bank of America, N.A. is proud to serve as trustee or co-trustee of a wide variety of discretionary charitable foundations. As steward of these charitable funds, we work to award meaningful grants in accordance with the philanthropic mission of each donor. Our Philanthropic Solutions group is committed to fulfilling the charitable intent of each and every donor and to providing useful information for the nonprofit community.

Using the search feature on this page you can obtain detailed information about the grantmaking focus of more than 160 foundations. These foundations' donors granted sole or co-discretion to Bank of America to design their grantmaking programs and carry out their philanthropic missions. We are pleased to share details about these foundations including their missions, guidelines, application procedures, proposal deadlines and contact information.

This site serves as an introductory portal for foundations distributing charitable grants primarily in the following states: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Vermont and Washington.

To help you gain a better understanding of Philanthropic Solutions, foundation research and the grantmaking process, we have responded to many common questions on the FAQ tab.

We hope you find these tools useful in your grant research.

Our Philanthropic Solutions group works to award meaningful grants in keeping with the philanthropic mission of each foundation.

Working with internal distribution committees or in conjunction with co-trustees, family members or external advisors, we carefully evaluate grant proposals and proactively seek opportunities to make grants that promote the philanthropic goals of each trust we hold—whatever its size or mission.

Each foundation is guided by the donor's unique mission to positively impact the communities it serves. To learn more about an individual foundation's goals and giving interests, please use the search tool on this page.

Frequently asked questions

We hope these FAQs provide answers to common questions about Bank of America, Private Bank, and the Philanthropic Solutions', Search for Grants website. This information is provided to help guide you in your private foundation research. Please review this information in conjunction with the state-specific application procedures highlighted on each foundation's detail page.

Expand all panels | Collapse all panels How do I find a foundation on this site that's right for me?

If you know the specific foundation you are researching, select the foundation name from the Find a Foundation dropdown menu and select Go. You will then be directed to the foundation detail page, which provides information about the foundation's mission, application procedures, possible restrictions, contact information and grant history.

If you do not know which foundation(s) you are researching, we have provided you with categorized dropdown menus of program type and geographic area served. You can search for a foundation using one or both criteria to find a potential match between the work that your organization is doing and a foundation highlighted on this site. First, decide which program type best represents the work of your organization. For example, if your organization is a health clinic, select Health. Second, select the state your organization serves, for example, Connecticut. Once you select the criteria, select Find. In this example, you would be presented with a list of foundations that support health needs in Connecticut.

Alternatively, if you want to search for all foundations across one or both criteria, you would choose All for program type and Connecticut for area served. You would then receive a list of all foundations funding in the state of Connecticut. In your research, you will find that some foundations serve multiple program and geographic areas.

If you would like to research all of the foundations, select All for both dropdown menus and select Find. The search tool will provide a listing of all foundations. You can then select a foundation name to review the foundation's mission, guidelines, application procedures, possible restrictions, contact information and grant history. While in the foundation detail display, you can move between your search results using the Previous and Next buttons.

What foundations within Private Bank are listed on this site?

We have provided background and application information for more than 160 foundations. These foundations typically have a discretionary grantmaking program, and Private Bank, Philanthropic Solutions associates are involved in the management of the grantmaking program. As trustee or co-trustee, Bank of America, N.A. designed grant programs that reflect the intent of the donor and is involved with additional foundations not highlighted on this site. For these foundations, donors often elected to focus the grantmaking scope or manage the grantmaking program themselves. For instance, some foundations exist to serve select program or geographic parameters where broader outreach is not appropriate. Alternatively, other foundations' grantmaking programs are managed by partners external to the Private Bank and have alternate forms of communication.

Can I apply online?

Nearly all of the foundations presented on this site require online applications.

Foundations requiring an online application will have an Apply now link, a Return to an application in progress link and an Online application help link in the Application and procedures section of the foundation detail page. Unless otherwise stated, we do not accept applications via email or fax.

What social issues do the foundations support?

The foundations serve a wide variety of social issues. Some foundations support many issues, while others are focused on a single issue. Please use the Find a foundation search feature on this site to identify each foundation's funding priorities.

If my organization and/or grant request seems compatible with many of the foundations listed, how do I select which one? Can I apply to more than 1 foundation at the same time?

This guidance is best provided by each regional or foundation contact. Please contact the Philanthropic Solutions representative for the specific region you are researching. These contacts are listed in the FAQ question: Who can I contact to discuss my request prior to submitting a proposal? Contacts are also listed in the regional Procedures documents which are available on each of the foundation detail pages.

How can I find more information about a particular foundation managed by the Private Bank but not listed on this site?

Private Bank is proud to partner with more than 5,000 foundations nationally (as of October, 2023). The 160+ foundations listed on this site represent those for which Bank of America, N.A. serves as trustee or co-trustee and where we have been given discretion to design and implement grantmaking programs. Foundations not listed on the site are those in which the donors elected to focus the grantmaking scope or manage the grantmaking program themselves. For instance, some foundations exist to serve select program or geographic parameters where broader outreach is not appropriate. Alternatively, other foundations' grantmaking programs are managed by partners external to Private Bank and have alternate forms of communication.

If you know the name of the foundation you are researching and it is not highlighted on this site, you can research the foundation's 990-PF on Guidestar layer .

How do I identify which foundations provide support for national organizations?

The majority of the foundations highlighted on the site have geographically limited giving areas and only 5 of the foundations have a national focus at this time. If you are a national organization serving local needs through a targeted program or state office, you may wish to discuss your funding needs with the Private Bank, Philanthropic Solutions' contact to find out the best way to proceed before submitting an application.

If the list does not include a foundation serving the state where my organization works, do I have any options?

We currently list foundations that primarily serve the states of Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Vermont and Washington.

How can I find out more about the grants made by each of the foundations on the site?

You may access the history of each foundation by selecting the Grant history link on each foundation detail page. The link will bring you to an interactive U.S. map of the foundation's grants displayed in the Candid's newest mapping platform Foundation Maps.

The grant information is updated annually as part of our participation in Candid's electronic grant reporting program. Please review the Candid's FAQ section on their site to learn more about how to navigate the Maps.

Can I speak with someone who can guide me toward applying for the proper foundation grant?

We encourage you to contact us with questions about the application process. At the present time we can address questions regarding submissions to the foundation offices in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and Washington. For regional contact information, please see the list of bank contacts in the regional procedure documents.

Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

Applicants must be classified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)(3) public charity. The foundations do not consider grant requests from individuals and do not support organizations attempting to influence policy through direct lobbying or any political campaigns.

How do we apply if we are a collaborative of nonprofits seeking support for a joint project?

One member of the collaboration must take fiscal responsibility for receiving, monitoring and expending the grant. This organization should submit the completed proposal. Within the proposal, the collaborating organizations should explain the approach and shared responsibilities. All organizations should participate in the final reporting as well.

What are the grant application steps?

First, thoroughly research and identify a foundation using the Find a foundation search feature on this site. After you've selected the foundation and reviewed the foundation's detail page, review the Application and procedures section that outlines the specific application instructions and links to documents for further review. The state-specific procedures document is available in either PDF or Word format and details any specific requirements or steps that must be taken. This document also provides you with detailed contact information. Most foundations follow our standard online grant application.

How do I know the state office managing the foundation toward which I am applying?

On each of the foundation detail pages there is a section labeled Application and procedures. Within that section you will find the state office name. If no state is specified, please review the contact information provided in the regional procedures attachment on each foundation detail page.

Are there page limits for responses?

In most instances where foundations require online applications, the long text fields will indicate the word count limitations. Please see the online application help document or the specific foundation's application for more detail. Answers will be truncated if they exceed the recommended word limit.

Who can I contact to discuss my request prior to submitting a proposal?

If you still have questions after reading the foundation's regional procedures document, you may reach out directly to the bank contact noted within each of the regional procedures attachments.

Who can I contact to check the status of my application?

We regret that we cannot respond to individual inquiries regarding the status of applications and appreciate your patience with the process. You will be notified via email of the status of your application by each foundation's respective notification date. Be sure to set up our system's email address as trusted on your email server so that you receive these email communications:

What are the key grantmaking channels within Bank of America?

Within Bank of America, there are 2 distinct groups that distribute charitable grants to the community: The Bank of America Charitable Foundation and the private foundations that are under management at Private Bank. The 2 groups have different grantmaking programs and application procedures, so you will need to research each separately. Learn more about the Bank of America Charitable Foundation

The Philanthropic Solutions group delivers a comprehensive suite of investment and charitable management services to help individuals and institutions build and sustain their missions. Many individuals and families establish private foundations as the cornerstones upon which they build their philanthropic legacies. Bank of America, N.A. serves as trustee, co-trustee or agent for more than 5,000 private foundations nationally (as of October, 2023). When a grant is awarded, it is a grant directly from the respective private foundation to which you applied and not a grant from Bank of America.

How large is the Private Bank's grantmaking program?

Bank of America, N.A. serves as trustee, co-trustee or agent for more than 5,000 private foundations nationally (as of October, 2023). For a number of these foundations, we have been granted donor discretion. As appropriate, we have centralized information about these private foundations for ease in nonprofit fundraising research. The Search for Grants site currently provides the introductory portal to more than 160 of these private foundations.