Titin is a filamentous protein spanning the half-sarcomere, with spring-like properties in the I-band region. Various structural, signaling, and mechanical functions have been associated with titin, but not all of these are fully elucidated and accepted in the scientific community. Here, I discuss the primary mechanical functions of titin, including its accepted role in passive force production, stabilization of half-sarcomeres and sarcomeres, and its controversial contribution to residual force enhancement, passive force enhancement, energetics, and work production in shortening muscle. Finally, I provide evidence that titin is a molecular spring whose stiffness changes with muscle activation and actin-myosin-based force production, suggesting a novel model of force production that, aside from actin and myosin, includes titin as a "third contractile" filament. Using this three-filament model of sarcomeres, the stability of (half-) sarcomeres, passive force enhancement, residual force enhancement, and the decrease in metabolic energy during and following eccentric contractions can be explained readily.
Keywords: Active/passive force regulation; Cross-bridge theory; Force production; Mechanical functions; Mechanisms of muscle contraction; Molecular spring; Muscle energetics; Muscle shortening; Three filament sarcomere model; Titin.
Walter Herzog declares that he has no conflict of interest.
Ethics approvals for all experiments described in this study were obtained by the Life Sciences and Animal Research Ethics Commitee of the University of Calgary.